Shopping online has become apart of everyday life but many still worry that their credit card details will land in the wrong hands. Online shopping is certainly here to stay and online security continues to advance. There are arguments that shopping online can be safer than shopping over the phone or even in person, as you never hand your card details over to another person. Just remember to follow these tips to keep your online shopping a safe and secure experience.
Ensure that you know the identity, location and contact details of the online retailer. There are many online companies whose brand name is instantly recognizable, such as Additionally, many real life stores now include an online retailing arm as part of their retail services and you already know their reputations. It is important, however, to also establish the identity of lesser known online companies who do not have instant recognition or external store status. In this case, it is important to look for the name, company registration details for your country, contact details that include an e-mail, postal address and telephone number and also a clear indication of where the company's headquarters is based
Find out more about a company's reputation. After looking for these signs of identification, it is a good idea to also ensure that the company has a good online reputation. Do not assume that just because a store in the real world sells things one way that their online service will be as good. There might be a risk of lacking service back-up or returns policies etc. for online purchases that do not exist if you buy direct in the store. Reputation can be checked via searches of the internet for comments from others on consumer review sites. Many reputable online companies allow people to rate their service and products on the site itself, for example computer and camera stores. You can read these reviews for yourself to make a decision. Another way to determine an online company's reputation is to check for complaints through a consumer affair's bureau, such as the Better Business Bureau. Such organizations can give you more details about a company, including any complaints. In addition, you can always phone or e-mail a company the first time you purchase something and ask questions.
Find out about billing, guarantees and delivery before you buy. Always look for the additional costs and payment details prior to sending credit card details. Look for:
- Packaging costs - these should be evident up front
- Delivery costs - these should be evident up front
- Whether you will be billed before or after delivery of the products
- Whether you can track the item from the moment of purchase to arrival at your door - this will help alert you of any hiccups in the delivery
- Whether the product comes with a guarantee or warranty for defects etc.
- How you can return the product if it doesn't work or meet your expectations - look for information on the site about cancellations, returns and refunds. Print off a copy for future reference.
- Who will bear the cost of returning the item (postage, fees etc.)
- If there is a cooling off period for large price items