Project Initiation & Business Case Development
Project Server 2010 provides a new demand management module to capture all work from simple tasks to complex projects and programs.
•Develop and deploy effective governance workflows to manage project investments throughout their lifecycle and drive accountability and control.
•Define Enterprise Project Types for all requests and associate with workflow, a project plan and a custom workspace template.
•Standardize data collection through configurable business case forms. Capture project information, cost estimates, resource estimates, strategic alignment assessments and more.
•Display relevant Enterprise Project Types for each line of business using departmental fields.
Portfolio Selection
Project Server 2010 helps organizations select project portfolios that align with their business strategy by providing techniques to prioritize competing requests, run optimization scenarios under varying budgetary constraints and maximize resource utilization across the planning horizon.
Portfolio Prioritization and Optimization
•Effectively prioritize projects from multiple dimensions – strategic value, financial value, and risk.
•Select the optimal portfolio of projects while meeting budgetary and other constraints.
•Enhanced optimization interface surfaces powerful analytical views (e.g. Efficient Frontier) to improve decision making.
•Better understand trade-offs with Force In/Out descriptive values.
•Compare optimization scenarios side by side with snapshot scorecard.